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As part of the lead up to the launch of the State of Corporate Social Media 2012 briefing, we are publishing several excerpts from the briefing. To sign up for a free copy of the whole briefing whe...Premium`
[M]icropayments have been talked about for years. They have been tried online, but social media could be the space where they really take off. Selling goods via smart phone apps, and through Twitte...
[C]orporations have worked hard to develop their SEO to the point where they can positively affect their ranking on Google. With the advent of social media and the plethora of new links back to the...
[S]ocial media carries many associated risks. None more so than the fear of someone doing something ‘wrong’ - and with 73% of companies with more than three people active on social media, corpo...
[W]here should social media management be situated in a corporation? Traditionally marketing was a separate activity to customer service. Today, social media touches on each of these departments an...
Hi all, Hope everyone is well? Plenty of activity across the social web this week… More data management at Moneysupermarket [U]nderstanding that data is king in their sector of the market...
As part of the build up to the release of our State of Corporate Social Media 2012 briefing, I'm writing a series of blog posts on specific charts from the briefing. This post will focus on one...
Hi all, Hope everyone is well? Plenty of activity across the social web this week… The high street is still relevant [C]orporations that are looking at how they can lever their online pre...
[G]one are the days when social media sat at its own table. Companies have woken up to the fact that social needs to be part of the broader marketing and communications strategy. It’s time for...
Hi everyone, The first day of our Crisis and Reputation conference was yesterday and day two is about to kick off. We already have an awful lot of best practice that I wanted to share with you f...
[T]he use of IT has been transformed by disruptive technologies including the cloud and mobile communications devices. And with the rise of social media, corporations should be developing a digital...
Hi all, In the run-up to the release of the 'State of Corporate Social Media 2012' briefing (get your advance copy here), I'm writing a series of blog posts based on some of the findings from ou...
Hi all, Hope everyone is well? Plenty of activity across the social web this week… Social media users rationalising their groups [P]romoting a corporation’s social media presence is now...
[U]sing social media as promotional collateral is of course an excellent idea, but the sheer amount of blatant sales messages is starting to put a lot of people off. Nobody believes in free iPads a...
[T]he American Family Insurance history is a remarkable story that started with a single idea. A struggling insurance salesman named Herman Wittwer believed a company could make money selling auto ...
Hi all, Hope everyone is well? Plenty of activity across the social web this week…
Dan Zucker, Social Media Manager, Autodesk Dan leads a cross-functional effort to operationalize social media at Autodesk. His work involves guiding the corporate social media strategy, creating t...
[L]aunched in November, Shopcade is the first-of-its-kind Facebook shopping application that has over 40 million products from over 20,000 brands within it. It has disrupted the f-commerce space as...
Hi all, Hope everyone is well? Plenty of activity across the social web this week… 15% increase in revenue with Facebook app [A]s the number of Facebook commerce apps grows, choosing the ...

Everybody gets criticized on social media. It’s common sense; sometime someone’s going to offer a review that’s less than complimentary. One hairdresser I knew had a laptop in his reception...Premium`